Hanover CBT offers several options for online therapy to best meet each client's needs. For both convenience and safety during the pandemic, we offer video therapy over VSEE, Zoom, and other HIPAA-compliant platforms. Telehealth over the phone is also available during COVID or as appropriate outside of COVID times. We know our clients have busy lives and we seek to make access to care as easy as possible. Additionally, phone calls are useful for real-time coaching and intervention. Research suggests that telehealth is equally effective as in-person sessions.

We are proud to partner with TRUSST, a state-of-the-art therapy messaging service. It is as simple as downloading the app and sending a message. Within 24-hours Monday through Friday, a therapist will respond. TRUSST can be used as a standalone service or as a supplement to the therapy services offered by Hanover CBT, such as daily support with exposure and response prevention (ERP). Encrypted notes between client and therapist are available at any time for easy reference.

Our Therapist codes are:

3JIG6P - Dr. Seoka Salstrom

JTDNE1 – Dr. Paul Leandri

MMAGGI- Dr. Mirella Maggi