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Psychoeducational & Neuropsychological Assessment Services


Dr. Van Santen conducts comprehensive evaluations for children, adolescents, and adults that include a variety of components that are found in psychoeducational, neuropsychological, and psychological evaluations. Evaluations can be used to identify:


What is Diagnostic Teaching?

After a comprehensive evaluation has been completed, Dr. Van Santen can also provide Diagnostic Teaching (DT), which involves sessions of informal assessment before, during, and after instruction in a specific area. The DT process provides information about what the student is learning, how the student is learning, and which instructional methods are/are not working. Strengths are encouraged while areas of weakness (identified during the diagnostic evaluation) may need to be bolstered during subsequent instruction. The effects of instruction are analyzed to quickly determine if the type of instruction is beneficial or if it needs to be revisited.